2797. Happy Sunflower
I headed out for an early morning walk today and passed a garden full of huge, tall sunflowers, I just love these flowers!
I took a photo and a lady across the street spoke to me and said she admired them too, thinking it was my garden…it wasn’t…
We stopped for a chat as she was wearing an NHS badge we talked about her job and my former job, our experiences of covid and a few other things and it struck me how lovely it was to stop and chat to a complete stranger in the street in our neighbourhood. I realised how much I’d missed that in the past two years or so as people tended to hurry by and not stop to chat.
Hubby is at the gym and I’m taking some time to read another book on my Kindle app on the iPad. I love reading sci fi so I’ve been catching up with several series of books and thoroughly enjoying the escape.
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