The good, the black and the ugly

The three types of tomatoes I have grown this year. As rain was forecast I decided to pick most of the fruits last night and get rid of some of the plants.
The little orange ones are Sungold,  a lovely sweet flavour and there are still more to come. The ‘chocolate’ ones are from a plant I bought at our allotment plant sale. They are O.K but I won’t bother to grow again. The ugly monster is from a another plant that I bought which was labelled moneymaker! It is not…it’s a variety called Costoluto fiorentino…a beefsteak tomato…they look interesting but the flavour is not great and they have a tough core…so I won’t be growing them again either! I now have quite a few tomatoes in bowls on the windowsill which are yet to ripen.

I went to see a friend and took her a few of each to try so will await her opinion. She has just recovered from COVID which meant she could not go on a cruise which had been delayed from 2020…they have got their money back through their insurance as the same trip is not running next year,

Lots of rain overnight and big puddles on the roads this morning. Only 18C at 8am but it warmed up as the rain departed and was humid again in the afternoon.

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