The beholder's eye

By uniqueandlovely


We have Betsy this evening, as Robyn is out and has been at work all day ! Honestly she snores for England!
On another note I moved my Kallax unit in my sewing room back against the wall so it no longer divides the room. This was primarily so I can put Winston’s cage in the window that looks out on the road but it was a great move as the room is just so much lighter and more airy.
Winston went into his new cage tonight without any fuss at all bless him - I think he loves the high perch it has on the top, he comes straight out and up the ladder to sit on it.
He has spent most of the day highly delighted as Rosie and Cleo have been round bobbing up and down on his perch saying “love you, love you” he is such a character!
Now to tidy up and I will be a very happy lady :-)

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