Telegraph Poles

My day started well.  It was a lovely morning, and  I spotted a kingfisher flying by the river.  Once home and once BB was off to school, I sat down at my laptop for the busiest of busy days.  Exhausting.  I didn’t stop.  I knew I wouldn’t have time for  walk at lunchtime, and wasn’t sure I would have time for lunch, but twenty five minutes appeared in my day, so I popped out to the nearest shop and bought a sandwich – fresh air, exercise and food.  Ten minutes there, ten minutes back and probably less than five minutes to quickly eat, before an afternoon of back to back Teams meetings.
I had no time to take BB to rugby – he walked, but wasn’t happy. It’[s not that far!  I also missed out on the opportunity meet up with a friend to go for a walk while rugby training was on.  I was annoyed about that.
Never mind – my day is done.  BB’s football training was cancelled, so he disappeared off to play football with friends.  I went for  a walk as it was getting dusky.  There were lots of bats flying around.  It’s been a busy old week, and I am well behind on blipping, but will try and catch up over the weekend.
A view from my evening walk.

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