Travels With 4 Wheel Fred

By HRGibbon

If In Doubt, Get The Duster And Polish Out!

No, hold on, I'm sure that's not the way Colin McRae put it... Well, it's how I put it today. Sometimes I think there is no better cure for the "Monday miseries" than to tidy something.

Today's victim lucky contestant, was the kitchen. I was so tempted to blip my lovely tidy kitchen cupboards, but then you'd all know what rubbish food the OH likes to eat. (I mean, I don't eat it. Those Wispas & Twirls in there are nothing to do with me!)

It took me almost all day to sort, wash, polish, organise and generally tidy.

It's been a good job done. I feel slightly less cluttered in my head too.

I even had time to sort out a cupboard in the living room that was stuffed full of magazines of all descriptions. There is now a huge stack of stuff ready to go to the recycling.

One room down- six more to go!!

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