Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Proud Peacock

We had a super long drive today and have managed to clock up over 600km.  We stayed in one of the 24 hour overnight camp sights on the Great Northern Road about 170 kilometres from Broome.   We knew we had a long day ahead behind the wheel so headed off at just after 6.00am.  Our first stop was the Sandfire Road House and to my great suprise, I had to give way to this magnificent looking Peacock who just wandered out from behind the building.  It wasn’t a bit perturbed by the many caravans and odd Road Train that just happened to be visiting the Roadhouse.  
We are going to steadily make our way back to Perth now and hopefully the wildflowers will be out in all their glory when we get nearer to the Wheat Belt area near Mullewa.  We can’t believe what we have seen on this trip so far but this afternoon just about topped it off.  I have heard of the North West Gas Shelf and there it was in all its glory.  Honestly, the Refinery is MASSIVE, we were blown away by the sight.  It dwarfs anything I’ve seen in my life.  

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