A Day In The Life

By Irish59


I couldn’t resist Grouch looking so sweet on the stairs this morning. Associating sweet with the G-man is somewhat of an oxymoron. His ultimate desire is to be the one and only cat. Life would be so good we’d be forced to rename him!! He’s actually a fun and playful cat but he absolutely dislikes Newt, the once-feral kitty we introduced into the household several years ago. In his mind she is the evil stepsister who doesn’t belong here and should be banished to the wild, from whence she came. But we could never do that. He’s terribly jealous of her which has led to some behavioral issues, but we manage them the best we can. Some days are better than others, for sure, but we’re lucky that Newt defers to him, and as much as she stays out of his way, she’s not afraid of him, either. This is what drives him nuts! The vet says it’s good that she doesn’t challenge him because the situation would escalate and become much worse. Poor Ducky, he’s the mild mannered sweet one, the glue that holds our fragile feline family together. Like kids, we love them all dearly, warts and all :) • Today we counted four hummingbirds! • Happy Weekend to you!

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