
By Lizimagiz

Cyclist Friends

I feel quite noble as I am getting my blip up much earlier today.
I am very busy getting ready to go to Wellington for the annual convention of the Photographic Society of New Zealand. (PSNZ). It starts tomorrow and will go through until Sunday afternoon. It will be a real buzz with overseas presenters, workshops, field trips and heaps more.
So no way did I want to be attending to blips tonight when I hope to be early to bed after sorting the camera gear, charging batteries and the like.
I have a very early start in the morning. As I am taking a car over on the ferry, I will have to be in Picton in the marshaling yards at As we are half an hour away for Picton this means I will need to be out of bed before
The dogs still got their walk this morning and whilst out enjoying the sun I met up with two friends...both into photography... who were out on their mountain bikes. We stood and chatted photography for some time and I told them all about Blipfoto.
Looking down I saw that their bike shadows were making quite an interesting pattern on the track. 'There's my Blip" , I told them. "So look it up on Blipfoto tonight!" ....So...gidday Robyn and Evan!

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