Another desperation shot

Well what a day.

50+% rise on my energy bill for the same usage as last year ( May to August ). As others have said we are in for a tough Winter given the prices will be higher in October.

OFGEM works to protect energy consumers…… that is an interesting role.

To rub salt in to the wounds another Energy Company CEO is reported to have  had earnings of £7m plus a bonus of over £700k last year.

Lots of jobs again today so the fruits of our blackberry picking provided my BLIP subject. 

From yesterday’s blip thanks for your feedback. The squirrel was not burying food but licking the plant pot and eating the roots of the plant. Interestingly the squirrel licks stones as well.

I am slightly behind on my BLIP comments but hope to get up to date tomorrow. Thanks for your feedback.

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