And then there were three ...
The doorbell rang before I was even downstairs this morning. At least I was dressed, so I hung out of the window (yes - that window) and shouted down to the man with the tall cardboard box that Himself was just coming (I could hear him getting the key - I usually open up when I go down). The delivery was the long-discussed lighter keyboard (no - not a new cigarette lighter: the other kind!) One of the problems of ageing is our increasing inability to carry the big keyboard downstairs and out to the car when we need it for a gig, so we've had to add to the collection. Also in the picture are my mother's piano, left, and the electronic harpsichord, which is a thing of beauty. Upstairs in the study is the aforementioned heavier keyboard, and in the loft is a classic Wurlitzer piano from our early days here when we had no study because there was a child sleeping in it. You'd think a musician lived here ...
Apart from this excitement I washed a full load and hung it out, though there wasn't much drouth today. In fact I found the weather rather headache-inducing, so I took myself out for a walk with my pal later; we had a lot of catching up to do as we've both been away doing stuff. Later, over tea, we had a lengthy conversation about power suppliers and what we pay to heat our respective houses. (Note to self: never discuss heating costs with someone who lives in a modern house. It will only depress you.)
After a glass of wine followed by curry (thanks, Mr PB!), I crashed to such an extent that I didn't really catch the Ten O'clock News at all. I believe the Russians are burning off oil they're no longer selling to the West.
Great, innit? Let's face the music, and dance ...
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