Rewind 4 Days
Dear O'H dear & Lovely Tea Jenny,
In the absence of a picture today, this is one taken from the museum on Saturday.
The Eldest Mini Princess and I went to see the anatomy exhibition. The first thing we saw was a 19th-century papier-mâché anatomy model which looks like a skinned person.
Me: “Look - it’s The Flash*”
EMP: “So, this is the tone we are setting, is it?”
The exhibition was good. The history of anatomy wouldn’t be complete without a section on Burke & Hare and their decision to cut out the annoying unknown variable of natural causes from the equation to make the crossover from body snatching to murder.
Btw, Burke was actually executed on my birthday. Yes I know that’s not what the exhibition was about, but I’m obviously going to remember that!
PS when we walked into the museum, I wondered aloud if todays picture was some sort of marine life. “No, pretty sure it’s a bacteria”, said EMP. She was right - it’s E. Coli!
*DC Superhero
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