Family Tree

The kids were so delighted to see Chris this morning - he and Asha both remembered their signature handshake, ha! A lovely breakfast time together and then out for a walk together. Such gorgeous scenery around this part of the world, we saw loads of horses and ate a lot of blackberries. Very special to have Chris in the mix of it all. Home to see Chris off to Brighton and to pack our things up ready to move on to other friends. We had a delicious lunch with Anth and Trev and felt sad to say bye. With all the kids around there's not really felt like the chance to properly talk, though we had really good conversation with lunch. 
We headed to Han's for a last cup of tea and for the kids to play a bit together. I've added in a doorstep pic of them all. The cousins were sad to say bye, I was sad to say bye to Han. Hopefully we'll have more time together next summer. 
We arrived in Guildford at the wonderful M&Ms just in time for a delicious tea. Asha's loving the cat and the tortoise...Nate's loving their grandchildren's toys! Fantastic to be here.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A beautiful walk with special people.
2) Wrangling with things in conversation with Anth and Trev. Very stimulating. 
3) M&M's kindness and welcome. And them sending me to bed early when I was falling asleep during the film we were watching!!

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