Capital adventures

By marchmont

Penultimate Fringe

I slept well and then swam at the Commonwealth Pool. A fellow Gracemount user was there. Good news is the work is nearly finished and it may reopen on a couple of weeks.

After breakfast Y and I went to my last show, epic bit of one man story telling about Dr Watson, Holmes and Moriarty. Excellent. She headed to Comiston and I had chocolate ice cream and fries in Bristo before navigating the rubbish in Nicolson Sq (extra) and Nicolson Street on the way home. However the strike is coming to an end and the Council have announced normal service is resumed at 5 am on Tuesday. There will be much overtime.

The sun had returned so I say in the garden. E was still working on his roof but more quietly. Later #3 son came with gifts from Amsterdam. It was good to catch up. After he left I ditched some more dead plants. Again I was outside till after 6.

Then inside to watch the usual Sunday night fare. Bonny sunset. The Festivals end tomorrow. They haven't been as busy as 2019. That's a relief it was truly manic and unpleasant. 

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