Young and old

I’m not that old really ;-D)))

Blooming (and that’s being polite!) foxes were screaming at about 3.30 this morning and I didn’t get back to sleep.  So quite a chilled day with O today. Hmm…. Can you really chill with a 15 month old? :-D. 

We all went and did an M&S food shop for our lunch tomorrow when the kids are over.  O had another nap in the afternoon as his morning nap was quite short and I managed a snooze on the sofa too. 

After their long journey back from Northumberland, Sim asked if I could keep O for another night as they are all coming for lunch tomorrow.  Of course he could. I absolutely love it but can’t deny it’s knackering lol.  I’m not the spring chicken that I was when I had my four all 6 and under :-o

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