Woodland Dor Beetle

To be fair there's a couple of other species this might be, but as we live in a woodland I'm keeping it simple.

A volunteer shift first thing, a heartbreaking call for my colleague, so lots of tea, biscuits and support. Some things never get easier, perhaps they shouldn't either.

The van developed a weird fault on the drive home, still moves OK, but a lot of warning lights on
 I see the garage and a bill in my future... 

I was going to chillax this afternoon, but I've not really mastered that, so instead I started digging out the footings for the shed foundation. I've done about 10% of the total and already generated six barrow loads of rich solid soil - there's a chance I'm overdoing it... But it did emptyy mind for a while, so that's a kind of rest. 

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