Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

Little person

Katie and I reunited (!) Road trip up north with Vanessa, another friend and fellow teaching assistant this spring at the biological station. Breakfast before we leave with our friend Bob and his little one, Sequoia...a little itty bitty person, named after a ginormous tree....This is gonna be one cool kid. If for no other reason for her rocking name and amazing parents.

So, we sat, had breakfast and caught up. Watching Sequoia wiggle and burble. Enraptured like everyone else around in the contagion of baby cuteness, even with her after lunch grumpiness and zonking out. Passing her around to drool on our shoulders, each in turn. Bob, the most ecstatic proud dad to be. I love it.

...and then we're off. An epic four hour road trip up north. Arrival and stepping out at the Douglas Lake bar just as sun sets for dinner and a tall beer. Pulling into the station with just enough light to find our way to the cabin. The lake quite and still as glass. Cool, fresh spring air off the lake and the stars shining.

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