Magnolia stellata

We are minding Onken (the Jack Russell grandpup) and on our journey around the block we spied this lovely tree in full bloom (at the Funeral Parlour). We had rain this morning but some sunshine this afternoon makes it feel so much nicer. I found some new flowers in my garden and in a few weeks it should be lovely. 

The family has gone down to Sydney as Leo, aged 11, is playing the recorder in the combined schools performance at the Opera House. What a great adventure for someone of that age. I wouldn’t say recorder is my favourite instrument but I think it’s great to get children reading music and performing in a group. The public primary schools all have the opportunity to attend and they even hired a special train to take them to Sydney. The parents go later and collect them after the performance. 

Leo loves music and picked up a Saxaphone recently. It is played in a similar fashion to the recorder and he was able to get out some notes, even before having any lessons. I have tried to teach him some piano but he fools around and does his own improvisation and I think it’s better he has a proper teacher. That way we will remain friends. 

My back has been a bit angry lately and although my garden is full of weeds I hesitate to do too much bending. Of course that is most annoying as I love my garden and like it looking good. I haven’t got sciatic pain, just stiff and aching. 

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