The gasman cometh

And Suki hid. She’s much better with visitors now, even approaching them and expecting some fuss. But the lovely guy who came to do the annual service of the boiler and system was a step too far. 

Once he’d gone she had to check the place. I was having a coffee when she came into the living room. 

She was a moving feline cobweb ! She makes me feel guilty when she appears with a sliver of dust but this was extreme. As she is well versed in the ways of blippers, she wouldn’t let me take a winning photo. 

The mystery was soon solved. I’d opened the door to the garage for the engineer, and propped it open so he could get in and out easily. Normally the dusty garage out of bounds for cats so, inevitably…………

So she evaded my blip.

When he’d gone, I visited the fabulous Bluebell Arboretum not far from Ashby. I had a lovely, peaceful wander round, enjoying the perspectives from their well placed seats.

And a very pretty Comma was visiting the buddleias in the shop. 

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