Music please

The Guys Cancer Centre sometimes has a pianist tinckling the ivories, but today we had a new experience. This young man was situated in the "Welcome Village" entertaining the passing traffic, those waiting for a blood test and those waiting for transport (who could have been there for hours). A very nice touch and I thanked him.
Meanwhile, in the "Chemotherapy Village" things went very smoothly for my treatment.
Back at home, we had a delivery of recorded music. A relative of one of the Community Center staff had died and he wondered if our charity would be interested in some music. We didn't realise how much there was: CDs, LPs, tapes and 78s. Mrs S is confined to a small area between the bedroom and bathroom, due to covid - so I get the run of the music playing devices. Alexa is going to be miffed I won't be asking for tunes for a while.

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