Coffee with our friend.

It was a more sunny day today, and became warmer as it went along.
Stephen took our two grandsons on a bike ride before lunch.
We met up with our friend at the Farmhouse Bistro for lunch.
She had been on holiday and there was a lot of catching up!
A short walk was then taken, during which we stopped at the local hotel terrace where they serve coffee and tea. This began during the past two years of lockdowns and different regulations being in force.
They had a marquee in the garden at one point where you could have a “socially distanced” morning tea, or coffee.
It has a large golf course in the extensive grounds, part of which you can see in this photo.
Stephen looks as if he has a cone sticking out if his head! But I decided it was the best of the bunch I took.
Our friend gave me permission to post it.
Once we were back home I did some more tidying up in the flower beds, and deadheading of the shrub roses before we had our tea.
I have to say that the garden is beginning to show signs of recovering itself a little.
Now it’s supper time already.
It was darker earlier this evening, the penultimate day of August.

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