
We are in the final phase of implementing the robotic component of our systems, with the process mapping done, and the expansion options negotiated. Of course the cost is quoted in US Dollars which always makes you squirm when it’s converted to Rand but we don’t have local tech that can match what these guys offer. The upside is that they want to work with us to develop local tech skills, and that will be offered to young people with disabilities..

It was a great morning though as they brought some of their other clients to the event who are all interested in the solutions we offer.

The venue was a bit bonkers though, great vegan food, but the restaurant was in a comic store that also offered everything Marvel and the likes. The have a fine collection of vintage cars, some of which you can hire, and the route to the auditorium was through a cookie store.

I think I need to visit again when I can go exploring when work is not involved.

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