
Another disturbed night so decided to let T&Kt getup and off to work before I emerged. As is always the way when I’m without concrete plans it took me a while to get myself organised and a plan for the day set up, given I was working around a couple of Board zoom calls in the afternoon and visiting times at the hospital. Headed down to P’s house and depressed myself a bit at the thought of how much needs sorted and how to create space for the hospital bed etc, and couldn’t work up the energy to do anything systematic other than collect up some things he wanted, find the spare car keys, and despair at the mound of papers in the study.
Home and made a sandwich for lunch using T’s fresh grown tomatoes which were delicious.
Successful zoom calls choosing recruitment consultant for recruiting a Chair of the Board, with Heston ‘helping’ by lying next to me (and farting regularly….grr!) then headed over to K’s. She’s annoyed as she was expecting J&E and the girls to be arriving today for a few days holiday before going back to school but E’s work has recalled her from leave so they can’t come. K had got all the food etc in before she found out, so I said I’d stay for supper and to keep her company. Whilst she cooked I headed to the hospital to see P who was eating more dinner than yesterday. Slightly frustrating trying to get him to set out things he wants me to do…I think he assumes I have details of and access to all of his various accounts and policies etc yet hasn’t given them to me, and when he shows me some details in his password book (!) I can’t always read his writing. Complaining he hasn’t got a range of things he’d asked the boys for but they were all in the bag he had in his locker and obviously hadn’t looked through since Mt brought it in to give him. Struggling a bit to be patient enough for this….the constant reference to his watch strap being replaced wrongly and needing redone is so frustrating…the one he has fits his wrist and yet he’s adamant it’s the wrong one. Sigh….when I’m not here I understand the frustration, fear and lack of a sense of autonomy that’s driving his behaviour but Im not good at handling it when I’m here. Just want to power through his To Do list, full of things that have been niggling him for months, but he seems unable to make progress on it (or let me do that), but instead just focussed on worrying about it or adding to it and never getting anything crossed off.
Back to K’s and we chatted on about all the usual stuff and then watched some nonsense and ate chocolate…good therapy!

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