Travel day!

A lovely morning with Mike and Marilyn - this past day and a half have been very restful. I took the obligatory pic of Asha by her sign in the apple tree!
We left Mike and Marilyn and headed to a pub to meet up with Keith. Ed's dad, for those of you who remember Ed! So wonderful to catch up with him and hear how Ed is (now in Thailand). We headed then 2 hours to see my cousin Lozz who had ridden to meet us close by to Danny's Mom's. Again, brilliant to see him - we just had 1 hour but oh so fab...and from there to Danny's mom's! A great evening catching up with everyone and eventually coming back to Deb and Ollie's (my sister in laws) where we'll be staying the next few days. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The restful time at M&Ms.
2) Asha's delight at being with the dogs - Angus and Charlie.
3) Seeing family again after 3 years!

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