
By Honeythedog

Just popping by.

It’s been awhile since Darren as uploaded on blip. Darren can very quickly get bored of social media, it doesn’t hold is interest as much as it does others. When these moments occur where he loses interest, he tends to go cold turkey and just stops using which ever platform it happens to be. More often than not it’s his own content he loses interest in, when he feels he’s just doing something for the sake of it that’s when he knows sooner or later he will just stop.
In all honesty since the last upload, back in April, life hasn’t been great for either me or Darren. A few weeks ago I was confined to the house for 4 weeks as I’d hurt my spine, I’m a lot better now. Darren also hurt his back, which resulted in a week or 2 off work. Darren hasn’t really enjoyed this summer for a number of reasons, today he is losing a days pay as he is on strike ( Royal Mail ), it’s not something he’s happy about but is even less happy with how badly Royal Mail are treating him and his thousands of colleagues.
Doom and gloom I think is how Darren would describe the last few months, think yourselfs lucky you haven’t had to read about it with a daily blip.
Hope everyone is well x

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