Sunset flower
An emergency blip actually. Triinu mentioned the bumble bees hibernating in the sunflowers and I went to take a couple of shots of them. Is it really so cold (+10°C when I took this, +4...+12 during the morning and the day) that the bees have gone to sleep mode?
I used the cool morning to get some more firewood home. I think I have never done that in August before, but with the current energy crisis, I'm not happy with what we've got. It's not as dry as one could hope for, but it's wood that I could have gathered last winter after the thinning, if I had been well (no broken rib) and if there had been less snow. So no fresh wood, just pieces left on the ground.
In the afternoon printed the rest of our photo club's photos for the AFCC theme exhibition and Leena-Maija came to help labeling them.
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