The newest flower in the garden, and a welcome sight on another dull day. Too cold and damp to be doing much work outside, and a persistant headache plagued me most of the day too.
So I made some fudge. Then in the afternoon I realised that all I'd really achieved today was making some fudge. Which made me feel depressed enough that I was tempted to eat all the fudge. Instead I rallied and made some peppermint creams too. There's something about impended travel that makes me need to bake.
Tomorrow all the shops will be shut so the workers can have their day off and relax in the (hopefully) warmer weather. There may even be a little sunshine. I do hope so as my plants have come down suddenly with all sorts of maladies related, I am sure, to the cold damp weather. A good warm dry spell is needed. TallGirl is beside herself as her radish and lettuce seeds have sprouted. So tomorrow we will head off to the market (I'm hoping market traders don't count themselves as workers and will be open for business as usual) to get her some strawberry, thyme, chive and rosemary plants. How she will squeeze them all into her (1m x 2m) plot I don't know. I foresee more digging on the horizon.
So, though it was not particularly a bright day (weather or SooB wise), I can see brightness coming.
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