Ready Red

The things you come across when taking a walk...

This reminds me of the haiku I wrote years ago, which won 1st place in the Irish Haiku Competition in May 2019 --

apple harvest
how my hands
have ripened

The day began with two hours spent replying to a mail from the Viking, with the latest version of cross-examination questions.  We have been busy refining this list this past month, and now again after last week's hearing, rephrasing, deleting what might not be relevant, adding things.  I took the time to read the whole thing again and again.  Unlike last time, I printed it out, together with the list of exhibits, and I'll be listening more closely during the hearing and ticking off items and taking notes.  Should have done that last time but we both thought it would be better to wait for the transcript of last week from the Clerk of Court.  This time, I will take my own notes, especially knowing that he will be too busy.

This was followed by several hours of work.  The class lists are finally ready, so I prepared my own files, and finished matching their hours with my lesson plans (or is it the other way around).  Reviewed the draft of the syllabus and did research for all the workshops I'll be conducting (7 workshops for each class, 4 classes), part of which included some MOOCking in connection with topics that I'm not really interested in but which I know they have to study for.  Somewhere between all of that, I took a short break.

Just before dinner, Mr. Philips and I whooshed around our bedroom, examining every nook and cranny, a weird time to do it but I didn't want anything on my mind in the next 36 hours or so.  Also some hand-washed laundry.

After dinner and an hour of Death in Paradise, plus quick kitchen duties, ZOOMed briefly with the writers group and told them my main character was still on holiday in the Camargue and I was just too busy with other things to ask her to come back.  I think I'll join them next week, if I'm not too tired.  Unless yet another hearing is planned?  Actually, it would be good if that happened as things would get done more quickly.  The whole of 2021 was wasted due to delay after delay, but okay... we shall see.

And then I went back to work, this time matching the students' free hours with mine so that I could plan consultation sessions for all 4 classes.  I still need to ask my colleague Gina if that is the way to do it.  If she says 'yes', then, actually, I've done more than 70% of my scheduling.  Nailed down my lectures on arguments and debates, as well as on grammar (not much of that because they can study it themselves, which I doubt many of them will do without prodding from me).  Printed out some stuff for the meeting tomorrow.

Finished up in the bedroom, did some gaming... and now I realize I'm not yet tired enough.  Not too motivated to go to bed yet because in 24 hours, I'll need to stay awake till the early morning.  I think I'll keep AW company and maybe I will fall asleep after all.

Long day.  See you tomorrow night!

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