
By EileenGill

Buddha through Tulips

There's a certain surrealness (don't think that's actually a word!) to my life at the moment. It feels a bit like one of those dreams where you recognise everyone and everything yet it's all different. I'm in a space-time continuum (like I know what that is!) and there's a temporal displacement. I don't sleep well and I especially don't sleep well when it's light from the early hours - it can be a lonely universe at times but I actually quite enjoy it for the most part. I was awake from around 3.45am this morning. By 5am I was up and working. Tapping away at the computer and sending emails while the sun rose and the birds were full of song. Had to head out for a meeting in Glasgow but before I did so I decided that I actually deserved a few minutes out to take in the beauty of the morning. And it was such a beautiful spring morning - sun shining yet still a tad chilly. I took various shots around the garden but reviewing them tonight I decided on yet another Buddha shot. Among everything else my sanctuary provides relief - even if only fleeting.

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