living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

He's got that!

We went to visit friends today. It was the first time Monkey got to sit at the "big kid's table" and I think he was pretty chuffed. Until he decided he was done and stood up in the chair. That is pretty dangerously normal, though, really. In the high chair he is much higher up as well, adding to the danger.

Putting the two to sleep tonight-- Monkey normally feeds quietly and goes to sleep as well. Tonight he wasn't having it. He fed a little bit, then he would not be diverted from getting to his sister. He gave her kisses and he lay down beside her. It was so sweet so I went to grab the camera. By then, he was finished with all that so I couldn't get a shot.

I have started a 2 month sugar detox- my first day. It was moderately successful. I have had no refined sugar but I have delved into raisins like they are going out of fashion and got some dried mango, which is absolutely heavenly! Not bad for a first day but will have to cut back on the fruit as well, I think, if I'm going to get off the sugar roller coaster of doom.

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