
By Rebekah


After another 7.00am library start, I FINALLY handed in my dissertation today. I'm past the point of being able to tell whether it is any good or not. Just relieved it is gone, and out of my life :). George joined me in the library again, which saved my sanity a little. And Louise was around too, and we took a break and caught up over lunch.

Went to a photosoc training session on wildlife photography today too, which was cool. As I was on the way to hand in the dissertation, I bumped in to Becki and Tanya (pictured above)... we decided to make the most of the afternoon sun, and went out on to the field and played some frisbee and caught up with girly gossip.

At home now, made risotto for dinner with a glass of wine, and Helen has a batch of shortbread in the oven. Yum!

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