Fish of Flower?

What a day at work today, it was rather chilly when I first left the house but by lunch time it had turned really very warm, I even contemplated not having soup for my lunch as it was that nice.

When I got home we decided to light the bar-b-cue and have some steak; homemade burgers; pasta and side salad, it was lovely. I hasten to add we ate inside as its not that warm for an evening in the garden.

I noticed in the front garden that my pots had come to life, it must have been all the warm sunshine on them today. My pansies were looking beautiful and you could say thriving, I just had to take some photos of them. I decided to use this one for my Blip today as when I looked back at it on the lap top I thought it looked like a tropical fish.

Lets hope this is the start of a nice warm spell of weather now, we should be so lucky!!

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