It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

A Cabbage Looper Caterpillar

Best look in Gallery Mode)
Now I found this while vacuuming my computer room floor! I thought it was a bit of wire...then it moved! So my conclusion is I brought it home on Wednesday while bug hunting on one of my camera bags.
It seems my computer room is a haven for mini beasts (Or tarantulas) 
Last night while editing early evening and Garri was in bed (He gets up early hours) from the corner of my eye I spotted this tarantula crawling up behind my monitors and I nearly jumped into space ....It was bloody huge. Now when they are the size of my hand I can't deal with spiders. I would normally escape and suck it up the dyson tube. However I couldn't make any noise so I didn't wake Garri. I had to stay in the room for over an hour until he got up as If i'd left the room it may have disappeared! I can't leave a tarantula in my room. 
Eventually I think I sucked him up but I cannot find any evidence i go it in the dyson. So Im on tarantula alert at the moment as I peer round the house at night to make sure there aren't any.
I was in a mess last night and shaking . It's the one thing I can't deal with and believe me I've tried. A phobia I can't shake.

Extra is the Cat curling up when I put him on a leaf in the garden.


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