Pink Twinkles

By Pinktwinkles

Weight Loss Week 0

Well, I can't believe I'm doing this, posting my weight on here. But I need motivation and if having to do so on a Monday is that, then so be it!! I'm not sure I believe the scales today actually. I know that sounds like an excuse, but given I was 12st 4lbs last Monday - I can't have put on 9lbs in a week, can I?!?!

Anyway, this is my new weekly challenge. I'm copying Impoftheyard's idea for this. I lost about 3st 7lbs last year ( in 4-5 months)before I had a stroke, and since then have put almost 2 stone back on. Not I'm getting on top of things, I think it's time to get it off again. I'm one of those people who needs to only look at food and put on a stone (quite apparent really with 9lbs in a week?!)

I'm doing a low carb diet. Not Atkins as I'm vegetarian. But I know carbs are my problem, so I basically cut out pasta, rice, potatoes, bread, lentils and things with sugar and flour (sweets and crisps!)

So until next Monday, signing out of the diet report!

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