The Wetlands - Tranquille

Wildfire smoke leaves its
traces in our skies - so we
have a coloured sky

~ carliewired

I was out on the deck at 6:30 getting this shot of an orangey sky before sunup. The air was so fresh and cool it felt almost cold. No coffee at home this morning. I was off to Tranquille immediately. 

I kept my eyes peeled for some big horn sheep along the route. There were many fields of new-cut hay that smelled delicious. I thought if I could smell that, so could the big horns. None to be seen this morning. 

As I came to the wetlands I was hoping to see some pelicans on the pond. I was disappointed again. I suspect they are out on Kamloops Lake which I can't reach this morning. 

I drove to the end of the road by Tranquille Farm, then turned around. I got a shot of my mountains across the pond and caught the sun peeking over the hills. I looked down into the water channel that runs below the road. Ducks were making their happy noises there this morning. 

I took note of several stumps and snags that were left high and dry in the pastures once the river went down. 

I stopped by Cinnamon Ridge to get a photo of the hills to the north side beyond the train tracks. Then, I headed off for the grocery store and some breakfast. 

I was home again just after 8. I expect to remain at home for the day. It is the start of our Labour Day weekend. Already traffic is getting busy. 

Hopefully, this is our last sizzling day. We are expecting a high of 36 C on this sunny day. I'm looking forward to cooler days next week. 

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