Gramps, Nana and the kids (+ a superhero)

We were up and out and sad to say bye to Debbie, Ollie and Angus...Asha was especially sad to leave them all. It's been so lovely having time with them. We headed to Nana and Gramps to have a couple of hours with them all (& birthday boy Willie) which was special. Asha spent the entire time playing with their dog, Charlie. 
A special but too short trip.
Home with loads of traffic on the M5...Danny went immediately to drop off the car we've been borrowing. A short while later Dad, Mom and Gill all got back from Dad's cataract op - a success, but distinctly odd Dad said.
And then Danny was off to Nottingham for his study week for his Masters. Sireesh came to collect him on his way home from work. Absolutely wonderful to see him (an old school friend of Danny's).

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Danny doing all the driving and us getting back to Birmingham safely.
2) Dad's cataract op being successful.
3) A brilliant 2 week road trip.

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