
By HareBrain

Ragged Robin

I think that's what it is and it's all on its own appearing out of a crack in the driveway to our latest caravan site in Ross on Wye. Good journey down M6, M5, M50 and another delightful site set in a beautifully kept field on part of a 550 acre farm, 1/3rd of which is taken up with growing apples, mainly Gala, Braeburn and Jazz and 2/3rds environmental: wildflower seed mix, wild bird seed mix, pollen and nectar mix and a large fishing lake. The owners are a fascinating couple and encouraged us to walk round their beautiful place. We had a short walk this afternoon to see the huge vineappleyard and then went across to meet up with our friends who are in their motorhome in March Marcle for the large model air show which is taking place this weekend. It is a beautiful evening and we sat outside watching the evening flying with planes all lit up and then enjoyed a super dinner cooked by H.

It's a pity we're not staying on the same site but the model field has no electric hookups, but we'll be back again tomorrow to watch more flying. S is flying his large models, so we wish him good luck. I can't believe how enormous some of these models are and when airborne it's a bit like being back at Rhyl last weekend!

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