
By Joyfullife

Passing by a Storefront

I was on my morning walk to the hills this morning. I had my camera, my camera card, and Jeff (klaus001) just re-charged my battery. Isn't that the role of a good husband? To get to the hills, I have to pass through a funky neighborhood called 23 rd St. There are lots of cafes, restaurants, coffee shops, small clothing shops and this one stationary/card shop. I love colors. I quickly stopped and took 1 shot of the window display. It was the one photo I liked the best of all that I took on my morning walk. Since I started blipping, almost a month now, I realize how my eyes are 'wide open', always looking for the next photo blip opportunity. You begin looking at things in a different light both literally and figuratively. Now, I am trying to learn how to use the camera. I hate reading any directions so Jeff is helping me out. He is the 'techy' and I am the 'dreamer'. Perfect yin and yang.
Since starting to get back into photography, I cant help but think of my dad. He loved photography. At his funeral 25+ years ago when I gave his eulogy, I spoke about how his camera was an extension of his arm. He recorded all the family weddings and get-togethers. He left our family, and extended family thousands of pictures to remember 'the ol' days.' What a gift he left behind because in those days not everyone had cameras. In the 1970's I built a little dark room in our basement and my dad used it too. The bathtub upstairs was our source of water. We lived in a very tiny house. I am happy to be on blip because right now, at this moment, I thought about my father that I loved so terribly much.

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