A few more absorbing hours stitching this together - a bit more practice needed to get the stitching less visible. Most of the fabrics I'm using for this project are not "direction specific" but the stripey fabric is - I wasn't sure whether to go for random orientation, but in the end opted to be quite deliberate in orienting them to the centre - I think it works. The flowery fabric is also directional, but I didn't make any effort to orient those hexagons, and that seems fine.
W meanwhile spent time repacking boxes. And we've started planning where we'll stay when we get to Ireland.
A bit angsty again today after receiving an email from our Irish solicitor yesterday which seemed to put the onus on us to address a boundary issue at the house we are hoping to buy - surely that's for the vendors to sort out? And for our solicitor to satisfy herself that it is sorted and won't come back to bite us when/if we want to sell.
We'll email her tomorrow, with a follow up phone call on Monday to try to clarify this.
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