Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky


My granddaughter was earning a crust last night and as she was singing reasonably locally we went to watch for her first set. She announced that her grandparents had travelled 900 miles to see her sing which was a slight exaggeration but we did get a cheer from the crowd! Singing is her night job but she also runs a music studio and has a record label with several artists signed up.
This morning we went to the church where our son was married in May and joined the ringers. It was quite eventful as Mrs TT caught her hand on a rope which cause a graze. Another ringer however pulled his bell without taking the coils out of his hands and badly cut his hand. He was on blood thinners so there was blood everywhere so someone took him to hospital to stem the bleeding. Bell ringing is not without its risks! A friend of mine lost a little finger when it became entangled with a rope. After the service and coffee and biscuits with the locals, we went onto our daughter in law’s parents for Sunday lunch. We had a very pleasant time while the women retired to talk new babies and the men stayed at the table to talk politics and current affairs. It all sounds very sexist but it just happened that way!

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