Taith dywys

Taith dywys ~ Guided tour

“When I speak of poetry I am not thinking of it as a genre. Poetry is an awareness of the world, a particular way of relating to reality. So poetry becomes a philosophy to guide a man throughout his life.”
—Andrei Tarkovsky

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Aethon ni ar daith dywys gyda Samten o gwmpas rhan o'r tir yn Drala Jong. Mae Samten wedi bod yn byw ger Drala Jong am gwpl o flynyddoedd ac mae'n prif ‘pensaer’ o'r tir Drala Jong a beth rydyn ni'n gobeithio yn gwneud yna. Roedd e'n dda i gyflwyno pawb i ychydig ardaloedd o'r tir. Yn gobeithio y bydd pawb yn gweld llawer mwy ohono dros y blynyddoedd i ddod.

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We went on a guided tour with Samten around part of the land in Drala Jong. Samten has been living near Drala Jong for a couple of years and is the main 'architect' of the Drala Jong land and what we hope to do there. It was good to introduce everyone to a few areas of the land. Hope everyone sees a lot more of it over the coming years.

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