A chance meeting ??

We met this lovely couple today for the first time .They came for lunch and then we had a walk in the beautiful countryside near where we live . They left leafy Surrey , just before Covid broke out, and moved to a nearby northern town with a lot of deprivation in order to help young people who are having a challenging time . It’s been tough for them on a number of fronts.
Two of their closest friends were travelling in a camper van around the North York Moors at the same time as us . We met by chance on a carpark and after two hours of non stop talking swapped addresses . We have kept in touch and it struck them that we should meet up with this couple as we could offer mutual support . So , today was the day if our first meet up .
Such a warm hearted and interesting couple , it was hard to let them go - sometimes it’s like that . We hope to meet again for a walk and a picnic whatever the weather . ( definitely our sort of people).


I’m hoping that this link will take you to the morning worship on Radio 4
It came from Riveux Abbey in North Yorkshire and it’s focus was based on the work of a twelfth century abbot about the joy of deep spiritual friendship . I was so moved that I cried , not a usual happening!

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