just a Moment in the wood

By wavingarms

Life imitates ...

It's a busy time for Teddy, everyone.

Sometimes he thinks that being too reflective isn't helpful. Teddy is spotting things that really need attention. Really soon. Before 'the spinning plates' start tumbling.

But today's special guest scientists were a welcome break for everyone. Teddy was beginning to enjoy the afternoon and all that lovely learning. Then their experiment set off the fire alarm. And we all know what that means everyone. Yes, a visit from the nice firefighters and a little chat.

Teddy thinks that by the 30 minutes it takes them to arrive there wouldn't be much left. No tables and chairs. No books and jotters. No paperwork and... No Teddy! This isn't a good idea! No, really Teddy it isn't. Our those little sticks down!

Dangerously pyromanical Teddy.

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