Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Sunday — Daughter Deidre

Mr. Fun and I attended church online this morning. Having our daughter, Deidre (Dede to many), here worshipping with us was a gift.

We are blessed to know that both of our adult kids love and worship Jesus. After church we needed to say goodbye as she headed for her home (4 hours drive from here).

Then unexpected guests Dave & Laura, friends from Corona, (we forgot to take a photo), stopped to see us. They stayed for about an hour, and then friends we were expecting arrived.

Arizona friends, Becky & Steve, who are staying in the area, came over and then later the four of us went out for a fun and delicious meal and watched the sunset by Morro Rock as we ate.

From California’s Central Coast
in Cayucos,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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