Place: Wichita Falls, TX 63/91
Main activity: Wed - around the house, errands
Notes: Around the house and completed lots in the morning - timestamps, brochure edits and many other little things. Headed out around noon for handful of errands. Annie feeling a bit out of it today after being a bit sick yesterday. She was so cute sleeping and then barely wakes up when petting her. Made a cat-deterrent on the tree out back (so they don't try to climb it) with gold streamers and also some white balloons on the outside of the cat enclosure. Shower and early dinner for me. Guy came to fix the spigot out back and Amy & Shanti filmed a Great Awakening video. I did some writing and then we were out back for awhile. Heard that K&C's place in CA was sold for over $1mil - struck me kind of hard.

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