Place: St Pete Beach,  FL 75/94
Main activity: Sun - Ft DeSoto!
Notes: Awake 3a to about 530a and then slept till 730 or so but still felt out of it. Feeling a scratchy throat and know all is catching up w/ me. Headed out 930a, hit the Publix on Gulf for a quick return and then over to Joe's. We joined the masses going to Ft DeSoto (tho much heavier later) and did a one-hour kayak - so so many jumping fish, beautiful dolphin that came very near and amazing manatee that was around for awhile and right near the boat at the end - many miracles! From there, went over to the beach and spent some time with sand, ocean and sun - I actually went in and swam some, which I hardly ever do! Was so fantastic! Back and Joe dropped me off (no longer have a car) around 2p. Put in a cauliflower pizza, took shower. Ate half the pizza and then was so tired, napped from 3-ish - 445p. Quiet rest of day, still feeling like I'm trying to catch a cold but think it'll clear as I get rested up.

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