Tea Time
A wonderful Sunday with our little Portland family. My son and Dil arranged for Z and my son and Pappy to have a virtual space experience and for M and I to have tea at a phenomenal Tacoma tea cafe. Dil spent her time doing a waterside run .
M and I had fun trying on hats at the tea place as well as sharing oolong tea with milk and squares of sugar. Tea sandwiches and scones and chocolate dipped strawberries were devoured.
A real delight was Brian the piano player who engaged M to play with him and when he played tiny bubbles real bubbles blew out. During tea i gave M a pair of earrings that were my moms so she Would have something from her great gramma even though she won’t ever really know her. M seems very interested in things I have of my mom’s.
The guys had a blast too and this little Sunday family time was precious,
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