Hello Deer

Bella woke me up in the night scratching on the bedroom door. I then realised it was thundering, Something she really doesn't cope well with. I had no choice but to sleep on the sitting room floor rug with her until it passed. Normally I would blow up the airbed if a storm is predicted but I missed the weather reports so the hard floor it was. Luckily it passed quite quickly.

Back to Pottery school today. It was great to be back and see a few familiar faces but I wasn't keen on the temporary teacher! She fiddled with my pieces a bit too much and was trying to tell me how to make my house and suggested I made a prototype piece 1st!!! (See yesterdays blip!) The hardest part was actually my timing. I had 3 hours to get to a point where it was safe to leave for next week without it becoming too dry to fix it together. The class was quite empty compared to last term. Only 1 new student compared to 6 of us that started last term. I guess pottery classes area bit of luxury during a fuel crisis! It was good to be back though.

Lots of deer activity around the cabin this morning. I saw the muntjac who has been limping for a while. Close up of a picture shows she appears to be missing a back foot. I feel really sorry for it. We had 3 other deer all feeding outside the bedroom window. I enjoyed watching them for about 20 minutes hoping to see a fawn but no babies to be seen!!

Liz Truss was elected as our new Prime Minister today. I preferred Rushi.

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