
By thespotlightkid

High desert country, southeast Arizona

Where we're staying now is pretty much in the middle of nowhere - three miles up a dirt track from the nearest town, population 500. This was my view this morning as I tentatively opened one eye to see if it was daytime yet, and if I pointed the camera in any other direction the view would be much the same.

The nearest town is Patagonia, Arizona, which has an old Spanish church, a couple of shops, one restaurant (the Velvet Elvis - I might have to blip it for its name alone), and someone's garden where you can sit in shade and watch myriads of birds feeding themselves stupid on well-stocked feeders. There are seats in rows and today there was a local birder there who showed me four 'lifers' in about five minutes.

Not so hot today, a pleasant 88 degrees in Patagonia, but we're going back to Tucson tomorrow where it will be 10 degrees higher because it's at lower elevation.

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