Guitar Lesson

Gales blowing all day.  A dry morning, but rain came in by noon, easing this evening.  Feels like winter, but warmer.

Another day off, and headed out walkies after breakfast.  I popped along Laura's in the late morning, had lunch there with Laura, Shaun, Megan, Eve and mam, and headed up in the late afternoon.  A quiet evening at home, finally getting out with Sammy again when the rain eased.  

Eve flew home for the weekend, for Elise's birthday (which I sadly missed) and also for Shetland Screenplay, which her documentary was shown.  She's headed back to Glasgow this evening, so a good chance to catchup this afternoon.  Laura and Eve are both very musically talented, Laura always plays the piano, so today she was getting guitar lessons from Eve.  Taken at home, Blett Road, Cunningsburgh.  

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