
By minniemouse1966

Back to work

First day back at work today now I don't feel as though I have been away with a new class, new year group, new teacher but same children (although they are not back until Wednesday) K the teacher I am going to be working with is a Harry Potter fan so all our table groups are named after creatures from the books and also Fantastic Beasts my little crew are going to be Nifflers. It has been a very trying day but busy first of all tried to log on the computer and it asked me to change my password which I did but then I couldn't log on to anything must have changed my password with IT support about 4 times finally got it to work, then the printer broke down for a while so all the things we sent to print of course didn't get printed until later in the day, then discovered that the school laminator has not been replaced (it broke last year) and most of the printing needed to be laminated as it is drawer labels and coat pegs so I ended up bring it home to use my laminator but on a positive note managed to label most of the books. Bed now and back tomorrow for another fun packed day.

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